Once Fired Brass
Mixed Head Stamps
Un Cleaned
9mm $30 (1000rds)— Shipping is $12.00 for up to 2,000 rounds
40S&W $30 (1000rds)— Shipping is $12.00 for up to 2,000 rounds
38 Spl $30 (500rds)— Shipping is $12.00 for up to 1,000 rounds
45ACP $40 (500rds)— Shipping is $12.00 for up to 1,000 rounds
Orders call 708-447-4848
*Must be 21 years or older to order
*Must fax or email copy of DL or State ID
*We will only ship to the address on the DL or State ID
*Must have valid FOID Card if Illinois resident
Midwest Sporting Goods
8565 Plainfield Rd
Lyons Il 60534
fax 708-447-0973